Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rough day

It has been a really rough day for Mommy and Astraea. Babygirl didn't want to sleep last night. She probably slept a total of 4 hours and then not even 2 all day today. Needless to say, both her and mommy were very grouchy all evening. She wears herself out and then she just cries and cries and throws fits. I ended up crying right along with her because I was so frustrated and tired. Plus, I have been dieting so add in some intense hunger. Recipe for disaster! After her bath I tried to get her to eat and go to sleep but she refused both. So, I put her in the crib and stood there while she threw a fit for 20 minutes. She makes herself all sweaty and chokes, etc... But, I did not pick her up. I kept holding her hand and patting her head and talking softly to her to try to calm her down, but I wanted her to know that she was going to stay in the crib. Finally, she wore herself out and started to wimper instead of scream. I eventually was able to give her the binky and she finally let her eyes close. Whew! What a day. I am so glad that it is over! Praying for a better one tomorrow. No matter how tough it is I still feel blessed that she is in my life. My precious angel. On a good note: she is now rolling over. I got it on video today so Daddy could watch it. He was so excited to see it when he got home. It's nice that he gets as excited as I do about her milestones. It's so fun to watch her grow and learn.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so good! I couldn't let Cameren cry in the crib. It gets better I promise.
