Friday, February 13, 2009

Like a weed

Astraea is really growing. Everyday I find myself saying over and over "She is so big!". I can't believe how fast the time is passing. She is still working on rolling over. She can do it, but sometimes just doesn't feel like putting in that much effort. She would rather have Mommy and Daddy carry her around. She is also getting very close to sitting up on her own. She will be mobile soon and I think she will love it when she has a little more independance. She is just sick of laying on her back.

We haven't been to the doctor since her four month check up, but I swear that she must have gotten 2 inches longer. She is so long! Most of her three month clothes are fitting now. She has so many cute outfits that her Mimi got her and we couldn't wait to be able to put them on her. Her Mimi is also an amazing seamstress and likes to make her dresses. We are so lucky! She is making her an Easter dress and we can't wait to see it. It is so nice to have cute things that you can't find in the store, and everyone else doesn't have! These will be dresses that she can pass down, too.

Astraea has been a little sick lately. Mostly I think it is from teething. She ran a fever earlier in the week of 102. It only lasted about 24 hours, luckily. We called the doctor and they said if it didn't come down the next day to bring her in, but it did. They weren't too worried because there weren't any accompanying symptoms. They agreed that it was probably just teething. However, it did make her feel yucky which we hated. You can see where one tooth is trying to push through on the bottom, but I have heard that it can take months, so who knows?!

Today she has been throwing up a little bit. She doesn't have a fever though, so I am waiting to see if it continues and I will call the doctor again. It could be nothing. She doesn't really go out much and she isn't around other kids, so it's not likely that she picked up anything. We will see. I am always careful to keep in touch with her pedi just to be on the safe side. I guess that is just part of being a first time mom. Mostly they just tell me to make sure she is eating normal amounts and has plenty of wet and dirty diapers. Just so you know she isn't getting dehydrated. Which she has been. I am sure it's fine.

Today she got a Valentine in the mail from Mimi and got her first lollipop. Oh boy! I decided she could have some cause I have heard that sugar can settle your stomach too. Boy, did she love it! We ended up having to strip down and get in the bath when she was done. So, Mimi made it a double good day. A sucker and a bath! Wowweee! And can you believe it? After the bath I put her in her crib and she rolled over and went to sleep with no fussing. Amazing considering the last two nights she has been up a 2 in the morning ready to play. And every time I try to put her in the crib she has a MAJOR meltdown. I am exhausted...I am gonna blame it all on the teething and hope it gets better soon. I told Daddy that it's his fault she wants to play in the middle of the night. I know that is what he did as a baby. I should make him get up and play peek-a-boo...

Wow! I guess it has been a while since I posted. I had a lot to say. I will try to keep up with it better. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Wow she is getting so big!! It's great she went to sleep like that, hopefully you went to sleep also. They make teething tabs that work pretty well you can get 125 for like $4
