Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My baby is growing up

Astraea is feeling much better. It turns out that she most likely had roseola. Her fever broke on Friday night/Saturday morning and she broke out in a rash. Right away you could tell she felt better. They didn't run any more tests since it is a viral illness and they thought that was probably what it was anyways. There is no treatment for this, it just passes on its own. The last few nights have been pretty difficult though. Not sure if she is just having a hard time recovering and getting back into a schedule or if these are just normal "Astraea problems"...Doug and I find ourselves saying often that we hope our next baby is our "easy" one. She certainly is not! We love her like crazy, regardless. So, the sleeping problem right now is this. She goes down pretty easily at around 7:30. (sounds early, but she is practically falling asleep in my arms at this time so I haven't tried to keep her awake) At around 3 am she is awake and ready to play. If I put her back in her crib after her bottle she just screams like crazy. For several nights I just went ahead and got up with her and waited til she got sleepy again. But, I don't think this is the best course of action! I don't want to be doing this for months, or years. So, last night I tried CIO. I put her back in the crib and left for 5 minutes. Went back in a comforted for a few minutes. Left again, stayed away 10 min. Comfort. Stay away 15. Etc....I finally broke down and picked her up. She went to sleep about 5 am. I guess tonight I am gonna try it again. It is just sooooo hard and emotionally draining. So in addition to physically having very little sleep for the last week I am also feeling guilty for letting my babygirl cry. It's just not me...I know many people have luck with cry it out, but I HATE IT. At least so far. Please tell me it will get easier...

On a positive note, Astraea is now sitting up on her own. She does fall over when she reaches too far and tries to get a toy and she can probably only stay up about 5 minutes, but it is a major milestone in mommy's opinion. I just can't believe how fast she is growing. She will probably be crawling before we know it. With her personality I have a feeling that we are in for a crazy ride! Woo Hoo!


  1. I feel for ya - those sleepless nights are SO hard!! I hope for your sake it gets better soon! :)

  2. Thanks! She normally comes to bed with us. She sleeps much better that way, but Doug would prefer her to stay in her room. So, we are working on it...Ugh!
