Thursday, April 16, 2009

My little swimmer

Astraea is now swimming around the bathtub like an old pro. She loves the water and it is her favorite part of the day. I just wanted to post some pics of her cute little naked butt! (sorry if that bothers you, just don't look) She has recently started saying daddy constantly. Or da da. He thinks it is great. I am soooo jealous. She only says momma when she is having a meltdown or is crying in the middle of the night and wants me to come get her. Why don't I get the fun, happy, playful baby? NO FAIR! :)


  1. I love bathtub pics! As far as her saying dada first, sorry to say this, but get used to it. Last year in school, Brent could make two valentine's projects and guess what, he made both for David! I agree with the NO FAIR! :-)

  2. those are really sweet pics - I love the little naked bobo! too cute!
