Astraea spent the night at Nana's last weekend and (of course) came home with some new clothes. I had to post this pic of her new yellow polka dot bikini. She loves the water and just splashes up a storm in the bath. So, I am sure she will love the pool when it gets warm enough for swimming. She also got her Easter dress in the mail yesterday from Mimi. She makes all of her special occasion dresses so we were really excited to see this one. (I am not gonna post pics of it since we are planning on getting some special Easter pics done in it.) She is so lucky to have someone who can make her such pretty dresses that are unique. Especially since Mommy is just learning to use her new sewing machine. I have made her one dress so far. I guess I will post a picture of it too, just to prove that I am learning. It's not bad, but I obviously have a long way to go. Ha ha! And one extra pic to show you how mad she gets a Mommy when she doesn't get her way. Oh boy, we are really in for it!
SO ADORABLE!!! I love all of it!