Astraea is now swimming around the bathtub like an old pro. She loves the water and it is her favorite part of the day. I just wanted to post some pics of her cute little naked butt! (sorry if that bothers you, just don't look) She has recently started saying daddy constantly. Or da da. He thinks it is great. I am soooo jealous. She only says momma when she is having a meltdown or is crying in the middle of the night and wants me to come get her. Why don't I get the fun, happy, playful baby? NO FAIR! :)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
My little swimmer
Astraea is now swimming around the bathtub like an old pro. She loves the water and it is her favorite part of the day. I just wanted to post some pics of her cute little naked butt! (sorry if that bothers you, just don't look) She has recently started saying daddy constantly. Or da da. He thinks it is great. I am soooo jealous. She only says momma when she is having a meltdown or is crying in the middle of the night and wants me to come get her. Why don't I get the fun, happy, playful baby? NO FAIR! :)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter fun
We spent Easter at my Grandmother's house this year. She got to play with some cousins and got lots of stuff in her TWO Easter baskets. She also had two Easter dresses that we were excited to take her pictures in, but of course it rained. Then once we put the second dress on she was already in meltdown mode since she didn't take her naps that day. So, we didn't get any good one's in the dress that Mimi made. I am planning on taking her back out for some more bluebonnet pics in it when it is nice outside. Luckily, it was a little big so she will be able to wear it more than once. The other Easter dress was really cute, but probably will not fit again. She is growing so fast! There are also some pics of her taking apart her basket from mommy and daddy after we got home last night.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Well, I decided that I needed to get out and try my new camera today so we headed to a bluebonnet patch. Being the first time I have tried to take pictures outside I knew I would have a tough time with lighting. And I did. Plus, it wasn't really the right time of day so the light is pretty harsh in most of them, but I still found a few I like. I don't think Astraea smiled one time, but she didn't cry either so I consider it a success!!

Monday, April 6, 2009
Happy early Mothers Day & Easter
So, Doug went out to go to the bank this morning and came home with A CAMERA!!!! Yay! It is a Nikon p90 and it is my Mothers Day and Easter present. I have been taking pictures with my phone because the cheapo digital that I have is not working. Needless to say, I wasn't happy with the pictures at all! I don't know how to use it yet, but I just started out using the auto mode to point and shoot. I need to read the entire manual and play with it for a while. Honestly though, if I never did anything but auto it is still 100% better than what I had! Thank you honey! You are the best. And Astraea thanks you too. NOT! She is already sick of pictures. HA HA!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny

Astraea spent the night at Nana's last weekend and (of course) came home with some new clothes. I had to post this pic of her new yellow polka dot bikini. She loves the water and just splashes up a storm in the bath. So, I am sure she will love the pool when it gets warm enough for swimming. She also got her Easter dress in the mail yesterday from Mimi. She makes all of her special occasion dresses so we were really excited to see this one. (I am not gonna post pics of it since we are planning on getting some special Easter pics done in it.) She is so lucky to have someone who can make her such pretty dresses that are unique. Especially since Mommy is just learning to use her new sewing machine. I have made her one dress so far. I guess I will post a picture of it too, just to prove that I am learning. It's not bad, but I obviously have a long way to go. Ha ha! And one extra pic to show you how mad she gets a Mommy when she doesn't get her way. Oh boy, we are really in for it!
Ready, Set, GO!!!

Well, Astraea has been ready to move since she was born, it seems. But, now she is really determined to make it happen. She has started finding ways to get around. Right now it can't really be called crawling. It's only a matter of days it seems. We are already nervous about keeping up with her. She is so strong willed and independant already. I just can't imagine how worn out we will be when she is completely mobile. It's amazing how fast the past months have flown. It doesn't seem possible that our little baby could be growing up so fast. She tries to pull up constantly and will just hold her legs stiff so she can stand as much as possible. I really feel like she will be an early walker. Let's hope I am wrong...
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