Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sleep, sleep here we come!

Guess who slept in her bed all night last night?!? Woo Hoo! It wasn't without bumps, but it was still much better than usual. Mommy stayed strong and did not bring her to our bed. She woke up at 11:30 wanting to eat so I gave her a little bit of water and then gave her back the binky and left. She fussed herself back to sleep after about 20 minutes. Not bad...Then she woke up again at 1:30 and I gave her a bottle. She finished it, took back her binky and went right to sleep. Now Mommy gets to sleep, yay! She woke up and cried a bit at about 4:45. I went in and held her hand for a little bit and she calmed down. For the record, I did not pick her up!! I left and she went back to sleep and didn't get up this morning until 8 o'clock! That means that I got almost 5 hours of sleep last night. It is a slow process for us, because we are not big fans of crying it out. But, we know that it will be much harder when she is able to crawl out of the crib (or bed) and come get in bed with us. So we are doing it now. Just a modified version. I must say it has gotten so much easier already. When I put her in bed between 7:30 and 8:00 she hardly ever fusses anymore. She knows that it is time for sleep. Our issue right now is that she would like to continue eating all night because that is what she is used to. She thinks she is hungry, but she really would be fine to go about 6 hours at this time. So, we have slowly taken her down to one bottle at night. I think that once she realizes she isn't gonna get a bottle every time she wakes up she will start sleeping longer periods. Anyways, YAY for my big girl! I actually forgot to post on Wednesday so I will be back in a few minutes to do that...

1 comment:

  1. That's so great Starla! Glad to hear that it's getting better! Check out my friend Brittney's blog - The Dwinells off of my blog. She is going through it and her kids are twin 4 year olds and a 3 year old! All mom's make it through, be glad you are doing it now! :)
