Last year we didn't dress Astraea up for Halloween so I was really excited to do it this year. We had been talking about what she should be and couldn't decide. One night we were at Walmart and happened to see this costume for a garden gnome. We thought is was so cute and would fit her perfectly. We went to a couple of houses and to her godfather Zack's house to see his mom. Astraea loves her, and she immediately filled her basket up with candy. We didn't even need to go anywhere else! She ate two suckers (her favorite), a mini candy bar, and some other random piece of candy. She had such an eventful day that she still came home and passed out. She did not however take any naps for the whole weekend. Mommy really needs those naps...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Last year we didn't dress Astraea up for Halloween so I was really excited to do it this year. We had been talking about what she should be and couldn't decide. One night we were at Walmart and happened to see this costume for a garden gnome. We thought is was so cute and would fit her perfectly. We went to a couple of houses and to her godfather Zack's house to see his mom. Astraea loves her, and she immediately filled her basket up with candy. We didn't even need to go anywhere else! She ate two suckers (her favorite), a mini candy bar, and some other random piece of candy. She had such an eventful day that she still came home and passed out. She did not however take any naps for the whole weekend. Mommy really needs those naps...
My little daredevil
Astraea is always moving a mile a minute. I can't keep up with her and a lot of the time neither can her legs. She is constantly running into stuff, bonking her head, falling down, and just generally beating herself up. But, it doesn't stop her. She is a ball of energy. I have read a lot about "spirited" children and I see so many of these traits in her. She is just "more" of everything. More intense, more sensitive, more persistant, in a nutshell; more of a handfull. But, we love that about her. These will be great adult traits. It's just managing to get her to adulthood that has me sweating...She is just beginning to climb too and it scares me to death. I am by nature a worrier. I know that she is gonna give me a panic attack before she hits school age. I have already considered starting on anxiety meds. I think there are good things about being fearless, someday it will probably serve her very well, but right now it doesn't help mommy's stress level. Here are some pics of her poor nose after taking a nosedive from the porch.

Astraea's Second First B-day party

We got to go to Texas for Astraea's birthday. A little late, but better than never. We spent some time at Nana's house and had a birthday party at my Grandma Jo's house. It was nice to get the family together and celebrate. I miss them so much and hate not seeing them regularly. Astraea had a blast with her cousins and Ivy got some awesome pics (as always!).
Astraea's First 1st Birthday Party
We had a fun pool party/cookout for Astraea's first birthday. It was a blast and she actually had three outfit changes. I think everyone really enjoyed the whole day, and I didn't even cry until the party was over and Doug and I were taking out the trash from all of the gifts. It really is bittersweet to see your "baby" becoming a big girl in front of your eyes.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
My baby is ONE!!
I am late posting this (of course), but Astraea Penelope is officially not a baby anymore. It is bittersweet. I am so proud of every new thing she learns. I love seeing her master new skills and become more independant. However, I feel like it is just happening too quickly. Each day she blows me away with her growth. It is already clear to me that this adventure is gonna fly by.
I am so grateful to have been chosen to be her Mommy. I can't imagine a more fulfilling role.
We had her birthday party on Saturday the 12th, but I still decided to document her birthday. Here are some pics of her Day in the Life.

I am so grateful to have been chosen to be her Mommy. I can't imagine a more fulfilling role.
We had her birthday party on Saturday the 12th, but I still decided to document her birthday. Here are some pics of her Day in the Life.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
This week was Homecoming in Humboldt and cousin Shelby is a Senior. Yay! We went to the game on Friday night to see her in her pretty dress cause she was royalty. She ended up getting crowned First Maid (which is like second place). That's great! Plus she cheered on her Vikings to a win and played a solo in the marching band at halftime. She is a busy girl! It was a fun night and Astraea really enjoyed all of the activity of the game. She danced to the music and even smiled and clapped when she saw Shelby leading cheers.
Tall Toddler
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